Grocery Stores Changing How Shelf Space is Determined

in The Too Busy to Diet Blog on May 8, 2017

Grocery Stores Changing How Shelf Space is Determined

A growing trend is that the center aisles in grocery stores are shrinking and favorite foods are often missing. You may be surprised that this is happening, but grocery-shopping patterns are changing rapidly.

Grocery stores are beginning to give more space to fresh food and prepared meals that conform to the new “health conscious “ consumer. Years ago, people would purchase a box of pasta and a jar of tomato sauce. Now more consumers are choosing to buy hot pasta from the deli section of the store. New grocery stores are reducing space for the traditional packaged foods and are saving that space to appeal to customers looking for a quick healthy meal that will save preparation time and planning.

Packaged food sales fell 2.4% in the first quarter of 2017 according to Nielson, the marketing research firm. Growth was found in the purchase of deli-prepared foods, produce, and fresh meat.

The change in consumer buying in groceries started to change in the last several years. More and more big name companies such as Duncan Hines, Hershey, and PepsiCo are finding their sales slumping. Many of these companies are trying to find ways to increase interest among consumers. These changes include: lowering prices, improving healthy choices, and being more creative with food choices.

But it is going to be interesting to see how groceries are going to handle the new focus on making foods that are not only healthy but also quicker and easier for today’s busy people. Will consumers be willing to purchase these foods at a higher cost? Or will they find creative ways to eat healthier by making quick, easy, cheaper meals at home?

Too Busy to Diet is aIMG_1264 great way to get healthy ideas for planning, shopping, and preparing healthy food without affecting your pocketbook.

Jacqueline King, MS, RDN, CDE, FADA
Author: Too Busy to Diet
Available at

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